[Arduino] - ESP32/NodeMcu Basic code for WiFi remote contol


ADUPAD application


- Modify the HTTP response code in loop() function according to the protocol for "TEXT" set in the ADUPAD app.

void loop() {
  client = server.available(); // Whether the server has data to receive and set now client
  String temp = "";
  while (client.connected()) { // Enter an infinite loop first to prevent re-execution of "client = server.available();"
    if(client.available()) {   // If the client has data
      temp = client.readStringUntil('\r'); 
      if (temp.startsWith(F("GET"))) { // message for response
        Data  = "%%F4";                // protocol header of text for ADUPAD
        Data += "Hello World ";
        Data += random(100,200);
        Data += "%%F1";                // protocol footer of text for ADUPAD
        Data += '\n';                  // termination character of wifi for ADUPAD
        Serial.println(Data);          // Output the message to the serial monitor.
    } else break;
  delay(10); // time for sending data at wifi component of ESP32 








- Output of Serial Monitor after upload scketch "ESP32_WIFI_BASIC_CONTROL.ino"


Connecting to the assigned IP while ESP32 is connected to the router

- Input the assigned IP address "" on ADUPAD app connected to network of "skynet".

received data of "%%F5" and "%%F8connect"
Respons of HTTP from ESP32


Connecting directly to the ESP32 and then connecting the access point

- Connect to ESP32 on the WiFi Setting of a mobile phone.


- Input the Password for the ACCESS POINT of ESP32.


- Select "Keep WiFi on" if the message output below.


- Input the address "" on ADUPAD app connected to ESP32.

received data of "%%F5" and "%%F8connect" and "%%F5"
Respons of HTTP from ESP32


Code for remote control with WiFi of ADUPAD applications

- wifi_read() function

1. Protocol header definition

ADUPAD app's protocol header settings

Define the headers for WiFi in the Arduino sketch according to the protocol header settings in the ADUPAD app.

#define pinHD F("%%F0")
#define joyHD F("%%F3")
#define strHD F("%%F4")
#define footHD F("%%F1")
#define echoHD F("%%E1")
#define connectHD F("%%F8")
#define optionHD F("%%F9")
#define checkHD F("%%F5")
#define HDLen 4
#define addHD F("%%")
#define addHDLen 2


2. Code to check the connection attempt of ADUPAD app

bool appConnection = false;

if (appConnection) { // If app connection is confirmed
  // Execute code after app connection is confirmed
} else { // Before app connection check
  if (income_wifi == checkHD) { // Check if the value is %%F5 and set the initial settings
    appConnection = true; http_response(); // Confirm the connection of ADUPAD


3. Handling of values according to connection header "connectHD(%%F8)"

%%F8 + connect: Transmit the necessary app settings and current Arduino state values through the iniSet() and sendState() functions

%%F8 + disconnect: Disconnect and change value of appConnection to false

%%F8 + WiFi: change WiFi setting values

if (income_wifi == F("connect")) iniSet();
else if (income_wifi == F("disconnect")) appConnection = false;  
else if (income_wifi.startsWith(F("WiFi"))) { 
  sendMessage(F("This funtion is not available.")); 
} else Serial.println(income_wifi);


4. Handling of values according to option header "optionHD(%%F9)"

void CheckF9(String temp) {
  if (temp.startsWith(F("RAD"))) { } // if it starts with "RAD"
  else if (temp.startsWith(F("CKB"))) { } // if it starts with "CKB"
  else if (temp.startsWith(F("CHD"))) { } // if it starts with "CHD"
  else if (temp.startsWith(F("LSD"))) { } // if it starts with "LSD"
  else if (temp.startsWith(F("STR"))) { } // if it starts with "STR"


5. Handling of values according to button header "pinHD(%%F0)"

// income_wifi: %%F0 + Value + %%F1
while(income_wifi.indexOf(pinHD) != -1) { // need while function depend on left arrow pad mode 
  income_wifi.remove(0, 4); // remove %%F0
  ed = income_wifi.indexOf(footHD); // check the index number where footHD(%%F1)
  if (ed != -1) {                   // if the index number is found in the value
    temp = income_wifi.substring(0, ed); //Extract data up to index number
    uint8_t value = temp.toInt();   // convert to numeric value
    income_wifi.remove(0, ed+4);    // remove got data
    pin_control(value);             // execute the code corresponding to the value
  } else break;                     // exit while loop if there's no %%F0


6. Handling of values according to SeekBar(slide bar) header "pwmHD(%%F3)"

// income_wifi: id + Count + %% + Heading + %% + Strength + %%F1 (with protocol header %%F3 removed)
temp = income_wifi.substring(0, 1);
uint8_t id = temp.toInt(); // id: 0 or 1 or 2
income_wifi.remove(0, 1);  // remove id
ed = income_wifi.indexOf(addHD);      // index for %%
temp = income_wifi.substring(0, ed);  // extract count
uint16_t count = temp.toInt();        // convert to numeric value
bool ok = true;
if (id == 0) {                        // 0: left Joystic
  if (count == 0) leftCount = 0;      // reset leftCount
  if (count < leftCount) ok = false;  // Skip if the count is less than the stored leftCount
  else leftCount = count;             // update leftCount
} else if (id == 1) {                 // 1: right Joystic
  if (count == 0) rightCount = 0;     // reset rightCount
  if (count < rightCount) ok = false; // Skip if the count is less than the stored rightCount
  else rightCount = count;            // update leftCount
} else {                              // 2: gravity sensor
  if (count == 0) centerCount = 0;    // reset centerCount
  if (count < centerCount) ok = false;// Skip if the count is less than the stored centerCount
  else centerCount = count;           // update leftCount
if (ok) {                             // if count validation is OK
  income_wifi.remove(0, ed+addHDLen); // remove %%
  ed = income_wifi.indexOf(addHD);    // index for %%
  temp = income_wifi.substring(0, ed);// extract heading
  uint16_t heading = temp.toInt();    // convert to numeric value
  income_wifi.remove(0, ed+addHDLen); // remove %%
  ed = income_wifi.indexOf(addHD);    // index for %%
  temp = income_wifi.substring(0, ed);// extract strength
  uint8_t strength = temp.toInt();    // convert to numeric value
  income_wifi.remove(0, ed);          // remove value for strength
  if (income_wifi == footHD) {        // if the value left is %%F1
    joystick_control(id, heading, strength); // execute the code corresponding to the value


Protocol function to send data from Arduino to app

1. Change the state of the button.

void sendPinState(uint8_t pin_val){  
  Data += pinHD;
  Data += pin_val;
  Data += footHD;
  Data += '\n';


2. Transmits an echo for the received value of the button.

void sendPinEcho(uint8_t pin_val){  
  Data += pinHD;
  Data += pin_val;
  Data += echoHD;
  Data += '\n';


3. Change the Joystick state of the app.

// id 0:Left Joystick, 1:Right Joystick 2:Gravity Sensor(change only text)
void sendJoyState(uint8_t id, uint16_t heading, uint8_t strength) {                      
  Data += joyHD;
  Data += id;
  Data += addHD;
  Data += heading;
  Data += addHD;
  Data += strength;
  Data += footHD;
  Data += '\n';


4. Transmits the echo for the received value of the Joystick.

void sendJoyEcho(uint8_t id, uint16_t heading, uint8_t strength) {                          
  Data += joyHD;
  Data += id;
  Data += addHD;
  Data += heading;
  Data += addHD;
  Data += strength;
  Data += echoHD;
  Data += '\n';


5. Send text.

void sendText(String text) {                               
  Data += strHD;
  Data += text;
  Data += footHD;
  Data += '\n';


6. Instruct the app to click the Disconnect Button.

void sendDisconnect(){ 
  Data += connectHD;
  Data += F("DIS");
  Data += '\n';

Disconnect Button


7. Use when you want to acquire control authority by using the ACCESS POINT password of the module in the internal network connection through the router. (without using HTML web login)

It can be changed to any name through definition of the passName and passNameLen for processing the password in the sketch and the app send datas starting with passName as password value. This is to enhance security.

#define passName F("PAS:")
#define passNameLen 4

void requestPass(bool val){ 
  Data += connectHD;
  Data += val;
  Data += passName;
  Data += '\n';

Password dialog


8. If control authority is given through password confirmation, a cookie value is created and transmitted so that control authority for the data transmitted thereafter can be confirmed.

#define cooLength 5
String cooValue = "u7Dv0";

String makeCooValue() {
  cooValue = "";
  uint8_t temp = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < cooLength; i++) {
    temp = random(39, 123); //random(39, 123); // 39 ~ 122 pick
    if (temp == 47 || temp == 59 || temp == 60 || temp == 62 || temp == 92 || temp == 94 || temp == 96) temp = 79;
    cooValue += char(temp);
  return cooValue;

void responsePass(bool val){ 
  Data += connectHD;
  Data += F("RES:");
  if (val) Data += makeCooValue(); 
  else Data += val;
  Data += '\n';


9. Sends information about the current Wi-Fi connection so that the user can view and edit information in the app about the Wi-Fi connection.

void sendWifiInfo(){ 
  Data += connectHD;
  Data += F("INF:");
  Data += ssidAP;
  Data += ',';
  Data += passAP;
  Data += ',';
  Data += ap;
  Data += ',';
  Data += wifiRouter;
  Data += ',';
  Data += ssid;
  Data += ',';
  Data += pass;
  Data += ',';
  Data += ip;
  Data += '\n';


10. Outputs the message in the form of a pop-up.

void sendMessage(String str){ 
  Data += connectHD;
  Data += F("MES:");
  Data += str;
  Data += '\n';


11. Disable the feature, which is default setting, of automatically resend the value When a button or Joystick or Gravity Sensor is changed in the app and then if a response failure error occurs.

It is used when the Arduino intentionally does not respond due to the delay that occurs when sending data using the AT command to the ESP01.

void responseFailResend(bool val) {
  Data += connectHD;
  Data += F("RFR:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';


12. Set the function to continuously transmit the changed value of the Joystick according to the specified interval.

*** The Gravity Sensor always works in an active Mode.

true: Active Joystick Mode

false: Passive Joystick Mode (transmits only values when the slide bar is touched up)

void setActiveJoystick(bool val){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("ACT:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';


13. Set transmission interval of ACTIVE JOYSTIC MODE. (Unit: Millisecond)

void setJoystickInterval(uint16_t val){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("JSI:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';


14. Set the range where the strength of the joystick becomes 0. (enter a value from 0 to 35)

void setJoyZeroRange(uint8_t val){ 
  if (val > 35) val = 35;
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("JZR:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';


15. Set whether or not to use a function that converts the Strength value of Joystick or Gravity Sensor into a value between 0 and 10.

void setJoyStrengthAdjust(bool val){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("ADJ:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';


16. Activate a timer that sends checkHD(%%F5) at regular time intervals.

Regardless of the app, it is used to reflect independently changed values in the Arduino to the app.

void setRequest(bool val){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("REQ:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';


17. Set the operation interval of the timer sending checkHD(%%F5). (Unit: Millisecond)

void setRequestInterval(uint16_t val){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("INT:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';


18. Set the group for the left arrow keypad.

// 1: independent 2: group1(up-down) / group2 (left-right) 4: group4(only 1)
void setLeftPadMode(uint8_t val){  
  if (val == 0 || val > 2) val = 4; 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("LPM:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';


19. Set the 4-way control of the joystick.

// 0: Left & Right False 1: Left 4 Way 2: Right 4Way 3: Both 4 Way
void setJoyWay4(uint8_t val){
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("SJW:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';


20. Set whether or not to display the group button.

// 0: none 1: group1 2: group1&2
void setDisplayAddButton(uint8_t val){ 
  if (val > 2) val = 2;
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("DAB:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';


21. Set the operation function when clicking the label displaying the current connection status.

0: No function.

1: Show only connection information when it clicked.

2: Show connection information and password when it clicked so that the connection and password can be set.

// 0: not use, 1: show only name, 2: show name & pass, defalult: 2
void setSSIDLabelMode(uint8_t val) { 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("SLM:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';


22. Set the activation interval of the gravity sensor and transmission of the tilt value.

// defalt interval : 180 millis, 180, 180 * 6 = 1080
void useGravityAndInterval(uint16_t val){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("UGI:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';


23. Set labels for buttons.

Label buttons 1 to 6 in order using ',' as a separator.

void setAddButtonLabel(String str){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("ABL:");
  Data += str;
  Data += '\n';


24. Set the toggle/push properties of the left 4 buttons or 20 buttons of all.

//F("0000")           // left pad: up-left-right-down
//F("00000000001111110000") // 0000:left, 0000:right, 001111110000:center
void setLeftPadOrAllToggle(String str){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("LTG:");
  Data += str;  
  Data += '\n';


25. Set the toggle/push properties of the right 4 buttons.

// F("0000")           // right pad: top-left-right-bottom
void setRightPadToggle(String str){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("RTG:");
  Data += str;  
  Data += '\n';


26. Set the toggle/push properties of the middle 12 buttons.

// F("000000000000"); // center: view-menu-bt1-bt2-bt3-bt4-bt5-bt6-LB-LT-RB-RT
void setButtonToggle(String str){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("BTG:");
  Data += str;  
  Data += '\n';


27. Dialog Message: radio button

// option = "A,B,C" -> selection index = 1(A) ~ 3(C)
void dialogRadio(uint8_t id, String title, String option, uint8_t selection){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("RAD:"); 
  Data += String(id); Data += ':';
  Data += title; Data += ':';
  Data += option; Data += ':';
  Data += String(selection);
  Data += '\n';
} // Return -> RAD:0:1(index) , RAD:id:option index


28. Dialog Message: Checkbox

// option = "A,B,C"
void dialogCheckbox(uint8_t id, String title, String option){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("CKB:"); 
  Data += String(id); Data += ':';
  Data += title; Data += ':';
  Data += option; 
  Data += '\n';
} // Return -> CKB:0:1,3(index) , CKB:id:option index


29. Dialog Message: Select button

// option = "A,B"
void dialogChoose(uint8_t id, String message, String option){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("CHD:"); 
  Data += String(id); Data += ':'; 
  Data += message; Data += ':'; 
  Data += option; 
  Data += '\n';
} // Return -> CHD:0:B , CHD:id:option str


30. Dialog Message: List Window

// option = "A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H"
void dialogList(uint8_t id, String title, String option){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("LSD:"); 
  Data += String(id); Data += ':';
  Data += title; Data += ':'; 
  Data += option; 
  Data += '\n';
} // Return -> LSD:0:F , LSD:id:option str


31. Dialog Message: Input text

void dialogInput(uint8_t id, String title){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("STR:"); 
  Data += String(id); Data += ':'; 
  Data += title; 
  Data += '\n';
} // Return -> STR:0:str , STR:id:str









Main sketch

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <WiFiAP.h>

WiFiServer server(80);
WiFiClient client;

const char ssidAP[] = "Esp32";   // your network SSID (name)
const char passAP[] = "12345678"; //"1234test";         // your network password
const char ssid[] = "skynet";    // "SK_WiFiGIGA40F7" your network SSID (name)
const char pass[] = "skynet00";  // "1712037218" your network password 

bool wifiRouter = true;      // Whether or not there is a router connection
String ap = "";
String ip = "";

String Data = "";
#include "protocol.h"

String toStringIp(IPAddress ip) {  // convert ip address to string
  String res = "";
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) res += String((ip >> (8 * i)) & 0xFF) + ".";
  res += String(((ip >> 8 * 3)) & 0xFF);
  return res;

void setup() {
  if (wifiRouter) WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP_STA);  
  else WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP);
  WiFi.softAP(ssidAP, passAP);
  ap = toStringIp(WiFi.softAPIP());
  Serial.print(F("AP address: "));
  if (wifiRouter) {
    if (pass == "") WiFi.begin(ssid);
    else WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);    // Connect to WPA/WPA2 network
    uint8_t wifi_count = 0;
    while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
          delay(200); Serial.print(F("."));
          if (wifi_count == 50) break;
    ip = toStringIp(WiFi.localIP());
    Serial.print(F("IP address: "));

void pin_control(uint8_t value) {
  if (value != 0) {
    switch (value) {
      case 11: Serial.println(F("button 1 : on")); 
      case 10: Serial.println(F("button 1 : off"));
      case 21: Serial.println(F("button 2 : on"));
      case 20: Serial.println(F("button 2 : off"));
      case 31: Serial.println(F("button 3 : on"));
      case 30: Serial.println(F("button 3 : off"));
      case 41: Serial.println(F("button 4 : on"));
      case 40: Serial.println(F("button 4 : off"));
      case 51: Serial.println(F("button 5 : on"));
      case 50: Serial.println(F("button 5 : off"));
      case 61: Serial.println(F("button 6 : on"));
      case 60: Serial.println(F("button 6 : off"));
      case 71: Serial.println(F("button 7 : on"));
      case 70: Serial.println(F("button 7 : off"));
      case 81: Serial.println(F("button 8 : on"));
      case 80: Serial.println(F("button 8 : off"));
      case 91: Serial.println("button 9 : on");
      case 90: Serial.println(F("button 9 : off"));
      case 101: Serial.println("button 10 : on");
                //uint8_t id, String title, String option
                dialogList(0, F("MENU"), F("select,tomato,banana,mango")); 
      case 100: Serial.println(F("button 10 : off"));
      case 111: Serial.println(F("button 11 : on"));
      case 110: Serial.println(F("button 11 : off"));
      case 121: Serial.println(F("button 12 : on"));
      case 120: Serial.println(F("button 12 : off"));
      case 131: Serial.println(F("button 13 : on"));
      case 130: Serial.println(F("button 13 : off"));
      case 141: Serial.println(F("button 14 : on"));
      case 140: Serial.println(F("button 14 : off"));
      case 151: Serial.println(F("button 15 : on"));
      case 150: Serial.println(F("button 15 : off"));
      case 161: Serial.println(F("button 16 : on"));
      case 160: Serial.println(F("button 16 : off"));
      case 171: Serial.println(F("button 17 : on"));
      case 170: Serial.println(F("button 17 : off"));
      case 181: Serial.println(F("button 18 : on"));
      case 180: Serial.println(F("button 18 : off"));
      case 191: Serial.println(F("button 19 : on"));
      case 190: Serial.println(F("button 19 : off"));
      case 201: Serial.println(F("button 20 : on"));
      case 200: Serial.println(F("button 20 : off"));
      case 210: Serial.println(F("button 21 : off"));
      case 220: Serial.println(F("button 22 : off"));

// headingVal = false;
//           Top
//         6  7  0
//          \ | /
//  Left 5 --   -- 1 Right
//          / | \
//         4  3  2
//          Bottom

bool headingVal = true; 

void joystick_control(uint8_t id, uint16_t heading, uint8_t strength) {
  //sendJoyEcho(id, heading, strength); 
  if (id == 0) Serial.print(F("L: "));
  else if (id == 1) Serial.print(F("R: "));
  else Serial.print(F("C: "));
  if (headingVal) {
    Serial.print(heading); Serial.print('/'); Serial.println(strength);
  } else {
    if (heading <= 23) heading = 359;
    int8_t stickDir = (heading-23)/45;  

bool appConnection = false;
String income_wifi = ""; // storage variable for received string with WiFi
uint16_t leftCount = 2;
uint16_t rightCount = 2;
uint16_t centerCount = 2;

void wifi_read() { 
  client = server.available(); 
  while (client.connected()) {
    if(client.available()) {     
      income_wifi = client.readStringUntil('\r');
      if (income_wifi.startsWith(F("GET"))) income_wifi.remove(0,5);   // remove "GET /" 
      if (!income_wifi.startsWith(F("favi"))) {                        // favicon.ico pass
        int ed = income_wifi.lastIndexOf(F("HTTP/1.1"));
        if (appConnection) {  
          String temp = ""; 
          temp = income_wifi.substring(0, HDLen);
          uint8_t order = 0;
          if (temp == checkHD) order = 1;
          else if (temp == pinHD) order = 2;
          else if (temp == joyHD) order = 3;
          else if (temp == connectHD) order = 4;
          else if (temp == optionHD) order = 5; 
          if (order > 2) income_wifi.remove(0, HDLen);  // Remove protocol header
          if (order == 1) { // send data to app when change local/web control value
          } else if (order == 2) { // %%F0
            while(income_wifi.indexOf(pinHD) != -1) { // need depend on left arrow pad mode 
              income_wifi.remove(0, HDLen);
              ed = income_wifi.indexOf(footHD);
              if (ed != -1) {
                temp = income_wifi.substring(0, ed);
                uint8_t value = temp.toInt();
                income_wifi.remove(0, ed+HDLen);
              } else break;
          } else if (order == 3) { // %%F3
            temp = income_wifi.substring(0, 1);
            uint8_t id = temp.toInt();
            income_wifi.remove(0, 1);
            ed = income_wifi.indexOf(addHD);
            temp = income_wifi.substring(0, ed);
            uint16_t count = temp.toInt();
            bool ok = true;
            if (id == 0) {
              if (count == 0) leftCount = 0;
              if (count < leftCount) ok = false;
              else leftCount = count;
            } else if (id == 1) {
              if (count == 0) rightCount = 0;
              if (count < rightCount) ok = false;
              else rightCount = count;
            } else {
              if (count == 0) centerCount = 0;
              if (count < centerCount) ok = false;
              else centerCount = count;
            if (ok) {
              income_wifi.remove(0, ed+addHDLen);
              ed = income_wifi.indexOf(addHD);
              temp = income_wifi.substring(0, ed);
              uint16_t heading = temp.toInt();
              income_wifi.remove(0, ed+addHDLen);
              ed = income_wifi.indexOf(addHD);
              temp = income_wifi.substring(0, ed);
              uint8_t strength = temp.toInt();
              income_wifi.remove(0, ed);
              if (income_wifi == footHD) {
                joystick_control(id, heading, strength);
          } else if (order == 4) { // %%F8
            if (income_wifi == F("connect")) iniSet();
            else if (income_wifi == F("disconnect")) appConnection = false;  
            else if (income_wifi.startsWith(F("WiFi"))) { 
              sendMessage(F("This funtion is not available.")); 
            } else Serial.println(income_wifi);
          } else if (order == 5) { // %%F9
            income_wifi.replace(F("%20"), F(" ")); // URL Encoding space character change
          } else { // order == 0
            income_wifi.replace(F("%20"), F(" ")); // URL Encoding space character change
        } else {
          if (income_wifi == checkHD) { appConnection = true; http_response(); }
      income_wifi = "";
    } else break;

unsigned long int one_millis = 0;

void wifi_delay() { // Check client connection and receive data every 10 milliseconds
  if (millis() - one_millis > 10) {
    one_millis = millis();

void loop() {
  if(Serial.available()) { // If there is data in the serial buffer
    String temp = Serial.readStringUntil('\n'); // Serial Monitor - NEW LINE option
    if(temp == "1"){   
    } else if(temp == "2"){ 
      sendJoyState(0, 45, 10);
    } else if(temp == "3"){ 
      sendJoyEcho(0, 45, 10);
    } else if(temp == "4"){
    } else if(temp == "5"){


Protocol sketch

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// COMMON
///////////////////////////////////////// ESSENTIAL 
#define pinHD F("%%F0")
#define joyHD F("%%F3")
#define strHD F("%%F4")
#define footHD F("%%F1")
#define echoHD F("%%E1")
#define connectHD F("%%F8")
#define optionHD F("%%F9")
#define checkHD F("%%F5")
#define HDLen 4
#define addHD F("%%")
#define addHDLen 2

void sendPinState(uint8_t pin_val){  
  Data += pinHD;
  Data += pin_val;
  Data += footHD;
  Data += '\n';

void sendPinEcho(uint8_t pin_val){  
  Data += pinHD;
  Data += pin_val;
  Data += echoHD;
  Data += '\n';

// id 0:Left Joystick, 1:Right Joystick 2:Gravity Sensor(change only text)
void sendJoyState(uint8_t id, uint16_t heading, uint8_t strength) {                      
  Data += joyHD;
  Data += id;
  Data += addHD;
  Data += heading;
  Data += addHD;
  Data += strength;
  Data += footHD;
  Data += '\n';

void sendJoyEcho(uint8_t id, uint16_t heading, uint8_t strength) {                          
  Data += joyHD;
  Data += id;
  Data += addHD;
  Data += heading;
  Data += addHD;
  Data += strength;
  Data += echoHD;
  Data += '\n';

void sendText(String text) {                               
  Data += strHD;
  Data += text;
  Data += footHD;
  Data += '\n';

///////////////////////////////////////// CONNECTION 
void sendDisconnect(){ 
  Data += connectHD;
  Data += F("DIS");
  Data += '\n';

//#define passName F("PAS:")
//#define passNameLen 4
//void requestPass(bool val){ 
//  Data += connectHD;
//  Data += val;
//  Data += passName;
//  Data += '\n';
//#define cooLength 5
//String cooValue = "u7Dv0";
//String makeCooValue() {
//  cooValue = "";
//  uint8_t temp = 0;
//  for (int i = 0; i < cooLength; i++) {
//    temp = random(39, 123); //random(39, 123); // 39 ~ 122 pick
//    if (temp == 47 || temp == 59 || temp == 60 || temp == 62 || temp == 92 || temp == 94 || temp == 96) temp = 79;
//    cooValue += char(temp);
//  }
//  return cooValue;
//void responsePass(bool val){ 
//  Data += connectHD;
//  Data += F("RES:");
//  if (val) Data += makeCooValue(); 
//  else Data += val;
//  Data += '\n';

void sendWifiInfo(){ 
  Data += connectHD;
  Data += F("INF:");
  Data += ssidAP;
  Data += ',';
  Data += passAP;
  Data += ',';
  Data += ap;
  Data += ',';
  Data += wifiRouter;
  Data += ',';
  Data += ssid;
  Data += ',';
  Data += pass;
  Data += ',';
  Data += ip;
  Data += '\n';

void sendMessage(String str){ 
  Data += connectHD;
  Data += F("MES:");
  Data += str;
  Data += '\n';

// defalt: true
void responseFailResend(bool val) {
  Data += connectHD;
  Data += F("RFR:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';

///////////////////////////////////////// OPTION
///////////////////////// SET FUNCION
void setActiveJoystick(bool val){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("ACT:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';

void setJoystickInterval(uint16_t val){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("JSI:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';

void setJoyZeroRange(uint8_t val){ 
  if (val > 35) val = 35;
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("JZR:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';

void setJoyStrengthAdjust(bool val){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("ADJ:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';

void setRequest(bool val){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("REQ:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';

void setRequestInterval(uint16_t val){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("INT:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';

// 1: independent 2: group1(up-down) / group2 (left-right) 4: group4(only 1)
void setLeftPadMode(uint8_t val){   
  if (val == 0 || val > 2) val = 4; 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("LPM:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';

// 0: Left & Right False 1: Left 4 Way 2: Right 4Way 3: Both 4 Way
void setJoyWay4(uint8_t val){
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("SJW:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';

// 0: none 1: group1 2: group1&2
void setDisplayAddButton(uint8_t val){ 
  if (val > 2) val = 2;
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("DAB:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';

// 0: not use, 1: show only name, 2: show name & pass, defalult: 2
void setSSIDLabelMode(uint8_t val) { 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("SLM:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';

// defalt interval : 180 millis, 180, 180 * 6 = 1080
void useGravityAndInterval(uint16_t val){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("UGI:");
  Data += val;
  Data += '\n';

void setAddButtonLabel(String str){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("ABL:");
  Data += str;
  Data += '\n';

//F("0000")           // left pad: up-left-right-down
void setLeftPadOrAllToggle(String str){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("LTG:");
  Data += str;  
  Data += '\n';
// F("0000")           // right pad: top-left-right-bottom
void setRightPadToggle(String str){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("RTG:");
  Data += str;  
  Data += '\n';
// F("000000000000"); // center: view-menu-bt1-bt2-bt3-bt4-bt5-bt6-LB-LT-RB-RT
void setButtonToggle(String str){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("BTG:");
  Data += str;  
  Data += '\n';

///////////////////////// PERFORM DIALOG
// option = "A,B,C" -> index = 1(A) ~ 3(C)
void dialogRadio(uint8_t id, String title, String option, uint8_t selection){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("RAD:"); 
  Data += String(id); Data += ':';
  Data += title; Data += ':';
  Data += option; Data += ':';
  Data += String(selection);
  Data += '\n';
} // Return -> RAD:0:1(index) , RAD:id:option index

// option = "A,B,C"
void dialogCheckbox(uint8_t id, String title, String option){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("CKB:"); 
  Data += String(id); Data += ':';
  Data += title; Data += ':';
  Data += option; 
  Data += '\n';
} // Return -> CKB:0:1,3(index) , CKB:id:option index

// option = "A,B"
void dialogChoose(uint8_t id, String message, String option){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("CHD:"); 
  Data += String(id); Data += ':'; 
  Data += message; Data += ':'; 
  Data += option; 
  Data += '\n';
} // Return -> CHD:0:B , CHD:id:option str

// option = "A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H"
void dialogList(uint8_t id, String title, String option){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("LSD:"); 
  Data += String(id); Data += ':';
  Data += title; Data += ':'; 
  Data += option; 
  Data += '\n';
} // Return -> LSD:0:F , LSD:id:option str 

void dialogInput(uint8_t id, String title){ 
  Data += optionHD;
  Data += F("STR:"); 
  Data += String(id); Data += ':'; 
  Data += title; 
  Data += '\n';
} // Return -> STR:0:str , STR:id:str

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INDIVIDUAL
void iniSet() {
  setDisplayAddButton(2); // 0: none 1: group1 2: group1&2
  setLeftPadMode(1);      // 1: independent 2: group1(up-down) / group2 (left-right) 4: group4(only 1)
  setActiveJoystick(true); setJoystickInterval(100);
  setRequest(false); //setRequestInterval(250);

void http_response() {
  client.print(F("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n"));
  Data = "";

void CheckF9(String temp) {
  if (temp.startsWith(F("RAD"))) {  }
  else if (temp.startsWith(F("CKB"))) {  }
  else if (temp.startsWith(F("CHD"))) {  }
  else if (temp.startsWith(F("LSD"))) {  }
  else if (temp.startsWith(F("STR"))) {  }


Example of using Protocol to set ADUPAD app

- ADUPAD app settings: label/toggle properties, use of the timer for checkHD(%%F5), Joystic Mode settings, etc.

void iniSet() {
  setDisplayAddButton(2); // 0: none 1: group1 2: group1&2
  setLeftPadMode(1);      // 1: independent 2: group1(up-down) / group2 (left-right) 4: group4(only 1)
  setActiveJoystick(true); setJoystickInterval(100); // Active Joysitck Mode
  setJoyStrengthAdjust(true);                        // value of Joystick adjusted into 0 ~ 10
  setRequest(false); //setRequestInterval(250);      // Disable timer for check(%%F5)
  //useGravityAndInterval(180*2);                    // use or not the Gravity sensor with the interval


- Example of code processing for each function of a button that changes according to the leftPadMode and menu-related button.

void pin_control(uint8_t value) {
  if (value != 0) {
    switch (value) {
      case 11: if (leftPadMode > 1) Serial.println(F("Up DIR"));
               else Serial.println(F("button 1 : on")); 
      case 10: if (leftPadMode > 1) Serial.println(F("Up off"));
               else Serial.println(F("button 1 : off"));
      case 21: if (leftPadMode > 1) Serial.println(F("Left DIR"));
               else Serial.println(F("button 2 : on"));
      case 20: if (leftPadMode > 1) Serial.println(F("Left off"));
               else Serial.println(F("button 2 : off"));
      case 31: if (leftPadMode > 1) Serial.println(F("Right DIR"));
               else Serial.println(F("button 3 : on"));
      case 30: if (leftPadMode > 1) Serial.println(F("Right off"));
               else Serial.println(F("button 3 : off"));
      case 41: if (leftPadMode > 1) Serial.println(F("Down DIR"));
               else Serial.println(F("button 4 : on"));
      case 40: if (leftPadMode > 1) Serial.println(F("Down off"));
               else Serial.println(F("button 4 : off"));
      case 91: Serial.println(F("button 9 : on"));
               //uint8_t id, String title, String option
               dialogList(0, F("LEFT PAD"), F("SELECT,TOGGLE,PUSH")); // dialog message
      case 90: Serial.println(F("button 9 : off"));
      case 101: Serial.println("button 10 : on");
                //uint8_t id, String title, String option
                dialogList(2, F("RIGHT PAD"), F("SELECT,TOGGLE,PUSH")); // dialog message


- Example of modifying the function "CheckF9()" that handles dialog messages.

void CheckF9(String temp) {
  if (temp.startsWith(F("RAD"))) {  }         // radio button
  else if (temp.startsWith(F("CKB"))) {  }    // Checkbox
  else if (temp.startsWith(F("CHD"))) {  }    // Select button
  else if (temp.startsWith(F("LSD"))) {       // List Window
    int ed = temp.indexOf(':');
    temp.remove(0, ed+1);
    ed = temp.indexOf(':');
    String ID = temp.substring(0, ed);
    uint8_t id = ID.toInt();
    temp.remove(0, ed+1);
    if (id == 0) {
      if (temp.startsWith(F("PUS"))) { leftPadMode = 0; setLeftPadOrAllToggle(F("0000")); }
      else if (temp.startsWith(F("TOG"))) {
        setLeftPadOrAllToggle(F("1111")); // set toggle for left button
        dialogList(1, F("LEFT PAD MODE AT TOGGLE"), F("SELECT,INDIVIDUAL,TWO GROUP,ONLY ONE")); // dialog message
    } else if (id == 1) {
      if (temp.startsWith(F("IND"))) leftPadMode = 1; // independant
      else if (temp.startsWith(F("TWO"))) leftPadMode = 2; // 2 group: up/down, left/right
      else if (temp.startsWith(F("ONL"))) leftPadMode = 4; // 4psc button is 1 group
    } else if (id == 2) {
      if (temp.startsWith(F("PUS"))) { rightPadMode = 0; setRightPadToggle(F("0000")); } // set push for right button
      else { rightPadMode = 1; setRightPadToggle(F("1111")); }
  else if (temp.startsWith(F("STR"))) {  }       // Input text










App Wifi Manager

You can change the ID and password for connecting to access points and a router without using HTML code.










App Login

When connecting through a router, obtain control authority using password of the access point.









[Arduino/ADUPAD] - ADUPAD - Arduino wireless remote control PAD application






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